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What is the Third Eye chakra? How to awaken & connect with your Ajna energy

Writer: Always Believe in MiraclesAlways Believe in Miracles

Yoga for Chakras Series 6 - Ajna (Third Eye) Chakra

Location – Located in the space just above the eyebrows

Association – Pituitary and pineal glands, both of which are hormone producers

Colour – Indigo

Element – Light

Meaning – Intuition, your ‘sixth sense’

Crystal – Lapis Lazuli, Amethyst, Fluorite & Sodalite (all available on our website)

The sixth chakra in the primary series is known at the Ajna Chakra, or third eye.

Your Ajna chakra is associated with the natural element of light, a light which when your chakra is flowing freely, you carry with you helping to illuminate the path in front of you.

When your third eye chakra is open, you are able to tune in and listen to your intuition, you will have a sense of self awareness and emotionally you will feel balanced.

However, when this sixth chakra is blocked, you may feel closed-minded, as though you can’t trust your inner wisdom and you may not be able to see situations with clarity. Physically you may suffer with brain fog, headaches or even depression.

Meditation to Open Your Third Eye Chakra

A great way to awaken and connect with your Ajna chakra or third eye chakra is through mediation. This allows you to focus and slow down your energy.

Start in a comfortable seated position, either on a cushion or folded blanket. Bring the hands lightly in your lap, palms facing upwards with the right hand on top and thumbs touching - this is known as Dhyana mudra. This mudra is used to help you to tune into your intuition and help to go deeper within.

Make sure the shoulders are away from the ears and the crown of the head is towards the sky, then once settled, gently close off your eyes.

Turn your focus to your third eye, the space between the brows and deepen your breath. Intentionally slow down your breathing, drawing the air into your stomach to allow a full body breath.

You can concentrate on your breath, or you can try repeating one of these chants or affirmations:

· I trust my intuition

· I see things with clarity

· I am connected to authentic self

· I honour my inner power

· I am connected to my true path

· My third eye sees all

Crystals to help with Third Eye Chakra activation

Lapis Lazuli is a majestic stone and connects to ancient Egypt. This beautiful blue stone is associated with courage, awareness and truth.

Amethyst creates a doorway to the Crown Chakra, which in turns connects us to the Universe and our Third Eye. This highly spiritual healing stone is related to contentment, peace and with easing anxiety.

Fluorite is the stone of discernment and aptitude. A versatile stone, Fluorite supports spiritual awakening, opening the mind and removing distractions – opening the third eye.

Sodalite is the harmonising stone. Has the ability to activate the third eye and manages to balance your emotions. It has a mind-centred energy that stimulates creative ideas and clears mental confusion.

Yoga Poses for Third Eye Chakra

When following a routine to help awaken and open the Ajna chakra, try to focus your drishti (gaze) towards the mid-brows to help maintain focus.

Balasana (Child’s Pose)

Take an extended child’s pose to help rest and relax the body. Feet together, take the knees wider than the hips and sit back onto your heels.

Slowly lower your torso and head down towards the earth, and allow your forehead to rest on the floor. Take the arms out long in front of you.

Stay here for as long as you wish, breathe deeply and slowly, focusing your inner gaze on your third eye.

Garudasana (Eagle Pose)

Stood in Tadasana (mountain pose), bring your weight into the left standing leg. Slowly lift the right foot up onto the toes and then off the floor. With a gentle bend in the left knee, cross the right leg over the standing leg. If you have the space to do so, wrap the foot behind the left calf.

Take the arms out long, and bend in the left elbow. Right arm then crosses under the left and elbow bends. You should be able to take the backs of the hands together or wrap your right forearm round the left and bring the palms to touch.

Focus your gaze softly and bring your awareness to your third eye. As you inhale you can draw the hands upwards, lifting the elbows and intensifying the stretch in the arms.

Stay here for several breaths and then slowly release before repeating on the opposite side.

Virabhadrasana III (Warrior 3)

From your standing mountain pose, again start to bring your weight into the left standing leg, slowly coming up onto the toes of the right foot.

Begin to tip your torso forwards as you pick the right foot up and send it out long behind you. As you tip further forwards, lift the right leg higher. You’re aiming to have your chest and leg parallel to the floor.

Once balanced, you can extend your arms out long in front of you, creating a beautiful ’T’ shape with the body.

Stay here for ten breaths before coming out with control and repeating on the opposite side.

We hope you enjoyed our Yoga Chakra Series, please like and share, so others can benefit.

Have a beautiful blessed day and Always Believe in Miracles ✨



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