Yoga for Chakras Series 2 - Svadhisthana (Sacral)
Location – Situated below the belly button, above the pubic bone
Association – Reproductive organs, bladder, kidneys, adrenals; lower back
Colour – Orange
Element – Water
Meaning – Creativity, sensuality and joy
The second of our seven primary chakras, the Svadhisthana (or sacral) chakra is associated with
pleasure, creativity, emotion and expression. Located above the pubic bone, this chakra is linked with the reproductive organs as well as the urinary system and lower back. When our Svadhisthana energy is in balance, we feel confident, present in our body and joy can flow freely.
Misalignment of this chakra can lead to feelings of depression, insecurity and an imbalance of
emotions. Physical symptoms can include lower back and hip pain, issues with the kidneys or even
low energy or libido. This chakra is linked to creativity and joy, so get up and move if you want to start engaging it. With its connection to our emotions, work to manage your emotional load and lighten yourself. We carry a lot of emotion in our hips, so incorporating hip opening exercises will be very beneficial. Allow the breath to flow and visualise the colour orange just below the naval to help your connection.
Why not try incorporating a few of the yoga poses below into your practice to awaken your
Svadhisthana chakra and let your energy flow.
Yoga Poses
Agnistambhasana (Fire Log Pose)
Start sitting nice and tall, with the crown of the head reaching up and legs out long in front of you.
Bend the right leg and bring the right ankle to sit on top of the left knee. Bend the left leg, sliding the left ankle underneath the right knee. Try to stack your knees and ankles, shins facing outwards and activate by flexing through the feet and spread the toes. Hold for several breaths then repeat on the other side.
Try placing cushions or blankets under the knees if there’s a large space between them, you can also try sitting on a blanket to help open the hips slightly coming into the pose.
Utkata Konasana (Goddess Pose)
From Tadasana (mountain pose) step the feet wider than hip distance apart, then turn the toes
outward (roughly 45 degrees). Take a nice slow inhale, and on the exhale, start to bend in the knees and sink the hips down. Aim for the knees to be at 90 degrees, and make sure they are tracking in line with the toes. The thighs should be parallel to the floor.
Draw the tailbone down and elongate the spine, reaching the crown of the head up towards the sky. Bring the hands to heart centre, Anjali Mudra, and make sure the shoulders are down and away from the ears. Soften the gaze and hold for a few slow breaths.
Prasarita Padottanasana (Wide-Legged Forward Bend)
From a wide legged stance (feet roughly four feet wide) turn the toes in slightly and ground down
through the feet. Bring the hands to the hips. Inhale to lengthen the spine and as you exhale start to
fold forwards, bending from the hips. Pick up the kneecaps and engage the thigh muscles to
strengthen and stabilise the legs as you bring the crown of the head towards the floor.
Release the hands down towards the floor, try placing them on blocks if you can’t touch the ground.
Walk the hands in alignment with the feet, bending the elbows at 90 degrees. Stay here for a few
deep breaths.
Viparita Virabhadrasana (Reverse Warrior)
Begin by coming into Warrior 2 by starting in Tadasana (mountain pose) and taking a long step back with the left leg, aligning the left and right heels and turning the left foot 90 degrees. Turn the torso towards the left. Look over the right leg, making sure the toes are pointing forwards, bend in the right knee to 90 degrees. Check the knee is tracking in line with the toes (don’t let the knee roll
inwards) and you can see the toes just past the knee. Engage the back leg and press the back foot
down into the floor.
Bring the arms out long to shoulder height with the right hand pointing over the front let, and gaze
just past the middle fingers. To reverse the warrior, reach the right arm forwards, flip the palm, and
bring the arm up towards the sky. As you do so, lift the chest and slowly come into a gentle
The back left hand can slide down onto the back leg – be aware not to put too much pressure or
weight through this arm. Turn the gaze upwards towards to top right arm. Hold here for up to thirty
seconds, feeling the power and stability in the legs and the stretch through the torso and arm. Come back out via Warrior 2 and then repeat on the other side.
Supta Baddha Kanasana (Reclining Bound Angle Pose)
Lying down on your back, bend the knees bringing the soles of the feet to the ground. With the feet
touching, allow the knees to slowly fall outwards, bringing the soles of the feet together. Place
blocks, blankets or cushions under the knees if they do not reach the floor. Don’t try to force your
knees down.
Place your hands on the stomach and focus on the breath, bring your awareness inwards as you
relax in this restorative pose.