Full Moon Fire Celebration
Thu, 11 Aug
This August full moon join us while we release and let go of old patterns. A beautiful retreat, starting off with some moon salutation, creating & making some mugwort smudge sticks, a fire ceremony in this most amazing rural yurt, full moon release with crystal healing and setting intentions.

Time & Location
11 Aug 2022, 18:00 – 20:30
Felsted, Felsted, Dunmow CM6, UK
About the event
This August full moon (Thursday 11th August 6-9pm) when the moon shines for us in its fullest and brightest expression. Come and celebrated its divine powers, by releasing and letting go of old pattens at this stunning location in Felsted Essex.
The full moon has a magical influence on us. A full moon occurs when the sun and the moon are opposing each other, and this opposition can be full of energetic and emotional tension and can sometimes leave us feeling confused or frustrated.
In ancient indigenous cultures, the moon has always held a special place and was worshipped for its rhythms of life and the universe. Just as we move through different phases in life, so does the moon - every month. No matter if the moon can be seen or not, it is always with us.
In astrology the moon possesses a divine feminine energy, a yin energy, and is responsible for our innermost emotional state. Yin energies are cooling, soft and align with darkness and water. They are the “being“ part of ourselves, and observe, contrary to the yang part of ourselves which is the “doing“ state. During a full moon, the yang energies are amplified as the sun shines upon the moon. This creates an interesting dualistic nature of sun and moon.
In Native American cultures, the moon is often referred to as ‘grandmother moon‘, emphasizing its deeply feminine nature.
Why is the full moon celebrated?
Every month, the moon starts a new cycle around the earth. A moon cycle begins with the new moon, when the moon stands between the earth and the sun and is therefore invisible for the human eye. It then goes into a waxing phase until it reaches the full moon - the pinnacle of the moon cycle. After the full moon the moon retreats into its waning phase until it all starts again with the new moon.
The full moon has been celebrated for thousands of years in ancient cultures for its magic, mystery and special energy. It represents a time to gather with community, release unwanted energies and honour what we have created since the new moon.
Full moons are great gateways to create change in our life, they are powerful tools for letting go of unwanted energy, cleansing and releasing what doesn’t serve us anymore. The full moon amplifies. Just as the moon is shone upon my the sun, our emotions and energies are brought to light so that we are able to work with them.
Astrologically, full moons are a time to take action. When the moon is at its brightest and most active, we get inspired to do the necessary work that is needed to manifest dreams into action. The light of the full moon serves as guidance where we need to focus and shift our energy.
To harness the beautiful power of this August full moon, Maria Founder of Firefly Yoga will start the evening with a slow feminine yoga practice incorporating moon salutation and yin yoga postures, full moon meditation along with crystal bowl sound healing and crystal mini tune up, this consist of Natasha Founder of Always Believe in Miracles intuitively placing crystals on or around your body to cleanse, balance and align. After this wonderful yoga meditation tune-up session. Drinks and snacks will be on offer, and you can make a Mugwort smudge stick to take home. Maria will give you some information on mugwort and guidance on how to make a smudge stick. Mugwort is an herb that encourages flow, opens channels in the body systems and in our energy bodies. Its lunar energy encourages us in smooth transitions through physical cycles of menstruation, menopause, and digestion; it also encourages us to flow through the types of transitions in life in which we need to open space for new goodness to flow in. After our fun making of smudge sticks, Natasha will then ask you to write down some things that you would like to let go, writing a list and releasing during this powerful Sturgeon Moon in Aquarius. She will disuse the benefits of full moon release, what this full moon holds in store for us. We will then go into the roundhouse and finish the evening with a fire ceremony. After this wonderful full moon release, we can go and sit under the moonlight, In this remote country location, with stunning views, to re charge, before heading home.
Due to the wonderful English weather, the plan for the evening may change if it is raining, we will have to improvise and move inside first, and outside later.
It is advised to bring something warm to wear, plenty of layers, a yoga mat or towel, bolsters, pillows, blanket, eye masks, socks. Anything to make you feel comfortable. There is plenty of parking close by so don’t worry about bringing as much equipment and stuff as you need, as you can also go collect it from the car. Please wear closed shoes no flip flops or sandals as the floor in the round house isn’t for open shoes, the rural location means the grass may not be as soft as at home’s garden.
Please be advised this is an unusual venue, it does have a quirky toilet in the roundhouse, that sits behind a curtain, please feel free, if you have the call of nature to find a place in nature, if you prefer, however if you use paper, please take it away with you.
This retreat is for 3 hours, drinks, snacks will be available and plenty of parking, at a cost of £50 investment price.
Full Moon Sturgeon in Aquarius
11th August 2022 - Full Moon Sturgeon in Aquarius release fire ceremony. This beautiful ideal countryside location is perfect to release, let go of old patterns. ground and connect back to your root. Snacks and drinks will be available at no extra cost.
£50.00+£1.25 ticket service feeSale ended